Thursday, September 25, 2008

First Sighting

Well, we made it 5 weeks into the school year.

There has officially been a weiner sighting.


The Lambs said...

In your class? Same student? I nearly peed my pants. Love it.

jill said...

So, please share . . . what are you talking about? Orr, is it of "adult content"? :)

Truman Jensen said...

One of her students last year would secretly write that word some where in her class room...

jill said...

Ah, well - thanks for clearing that up. :)
I now feel like I am in the cool club. lol.

**Did Shaunna send you my email? I cannot find your email address anywhere. :(

Cherie said...

Hey How are you guys doing? I'm glad I found your blog! How is life after nursery? Our blog is We are just livin it up here in Vegas! and I am hoping you guys are doing great!!