Monday, June 30, 2008

Allen 1st ward part deux

Last week Katrina and Aaron Lawyer moved into the Old Settler’s ward. Katrina is the daughter of Bishop Dalton from the first ward.

That makes the number of former Allen First Ward members in Old Settlers now 4! Bryan Van Every, Jason Bell and I were also one time members of the good ole 1st ward.

So if anyone else from Allen wants to move, you know where you need to go! We might even let some 2nd or 3rd ward members join us. (Not so sure about the 4th, 5th and 6th wards though)


Katrina said...

No, i think only Allen 1st will do! HAHA

"The Conservative One" said...

New Atwood Blog!

Something had to be done to balance out the blogosphere. There were getting to be all together too many cutsie frills out there from the Atwoods.